A Radioshow and Blog
by Johannes Pletzer
and Florian Primeßnig

Stefan Steinbauer,
Andreas Koller,
and Toni Antic

Wer beatet mehr?
list of the week 2/2006
Posted by Solido on Samstag Januar 14th 2006
Filed under: Alphabeat Blog

As we had some graffiti-features recently, here is a top 5 list of excuses for writers:

1 – It“s a political statement. Property is bullshit; no one really owns anything.

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Besides, it was the natives“ land first (the last part works best in North online casino America).

2 – Just because (insert corporation“s name here) has the money to pull up all this billboards and I“m broke doesn“t mean I shouldn“t be allowed to do the same thing.

3 – It“s freedom of expression.

4 – It“s my art.

5 – It“s your building? Fuck it, who told you to build it there?

Taken from „ALL CITY – the book about taking space“ published by ecw press.

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